
LMS for Microsoft .NET and SharePoint.


LearningServer is a Learning Management System for .NET and SharePoint. The product is organized into base functionality and grouped collections that can be turned off or on with a simple administration selection menu.  The LearningServer LMS also can be extended through a powerful set of Add-ons and available Web Services API

LearningServer Overview

LearningServer is a highly flexible and customizable eLearning software application. With a variety of licensing/implementation options, support for numerous languages, and the scalability of the Microsoft .NET environment, LearningServer is a perfect fit for organizations of any size. The beauty of LearningServer lies in its modular feature‐set and the familiar Microsoft Office like look/feel. This provides a shallow learning curve and eliminates unnecessary distractions ‐ maximizing users’ time participating in or managing learning. LearningServer is deployable in Microsoft SharePoint, further increasing adoption and familiarity for users. Click on the links below for additional detailed documents and SharePoint training materials.

LearningServer SharePoint Add-on with our SharePoint training materials

The LearningServer SharePoint Add-on provides an easy installation into Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 and  SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2012 environment.  There are over 30 Web Parts which provide significant flexibility to accommodate security, responsibility, functionality to groups or individuals and  ability for the LearningServer Web Parts to have same look and feel as the corporate portal. Among other advantages this minimizes user training by assigning web parts to specific individual responsibilities. SharePoint effectively becomes the Learning Content Repository and all documents, PowerPoint slide decks or other information remains in SharePoint. Along with the flexibility of Web Parts, this takes advantage of SharePoint’s Document Management capability and single sign. In addition SharePoint Sites template can be created for eLearning. The advantages of a .NET and SharePoint capabilities is that it transparently integrates into the Microsoft stack / network with it’s pre‐built no coding integration. It takes minimal effort to integrate with your SharePoint infrastructure

LearningServer Collections

“Collections” provide your organization with the opportunity to turn on or off the capabilities of LearningServer on an “as‐needed” basis. Each of the four Collections offer a variety of incremental functionality such as Threaded Discussion/Chat (Collaboration), Course Assembler/Exams/Surveys (Content Management), Job Grouping (Career Development), and eCommerce/multi‐site management (Enhanced Management).  Click on the links below for more information.

Portal Manager is a web-based, add-on module to LearningServer that allows organizations to create multiple LearningServer web sites. Each site services different target audiences through a distinct URL. All courses and users are unique to each site. In addition, each site can be customized to a desired look and feel through images, screen text and cascading style sheet properties. The Portal Manager user is the single user who has access to and control over all LearningServer web sites.

The LearningServer Microsoft Exchange Connector allows your LearningServer site to communicate with your Microsoft Exchange Server. The purpose of this communication is to create, update, and cancel meeting requests for LearningServer Events.

LearningServer Add-ons

In addition to the Collections and Add-ons above the functionality listed below extend the LearningServer product and can be purchased individually:
•Additional SharePoint Web Parts
•Enterprise Report Management
•Enterprise Web Services
•XML Bulk Load Utilities
•Course Keys
•Utility LearningServer License

e-Learning overcomes many of the shortcomings of traditional learning methods. By delivering learning activities directly to individuals throughout an enterprise at the time and place of the individuals' choosing, e-Learning increases the convenience and greatly reduces the cost of training. Moreover, because it is easy to build assessments directly into Internet-delivered training, e-Learning makes it possible for organizations to measure the effectiveness of training.

We offer a full suite of e-Learning solutions, ranging from custom content development and off-the-shelf courseware to software platforms for learning & skills management.

Over the last several years, we have implemented a wide variety of elearning solutions with clients in several industries such as Governments, corporates, pharmaceutical, financial, insurance, manufacturing, higher-ed, banking, restaurants and retail chains.